We are a team of journalists and goofs. We care about what’s happening and we care about having a good time.

We strongly believe in Gonzo style journalism, that is, there is no unbiased network. The media pretend to be stalwarts of the people, bringing neutral coverage to relay what is happening across the world. What happens instead is despite the people- on every end, not only of one political aisle, fake news is truly a bipartisan issue. What we do is bring the stories how we see it. We challenge ourselves in each article, bringing possible counter-facts but we make our bias open.

We are liberals, conservatives, trolls, hippies, criminals, we are a fluid group of writers chosen for each article. We are our stories and the people we listen to.

We bring out a quarterly magazine filled with what’s happening in the local area and around the country. It’s a no bullshit take on the world.


Team Gonzo!

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